Our Story:
We live in a world that diminishes our awareness of what is going on in the world and how to address it in our individual and collective lives. This includes diminishing our connection to the natural world, to our interdependence and the care of our homes, families, and communities.
A Solution
We don't have THE solution, but we are interested in exploring and sharing many small solutions that support the shift to a better possible future.
Embracing our Whole Selves
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Our Philosophy
How do we approach our work together?

Connection to the Earth through Skills and Practices
The Earth is what makes all futures possible
Continuously living in connection to the Earth improves our personal wellbeing and contributes to a better future for our children and grandchildren. This doesn't mean we all live in earthen shelters like the one to the left, but it might mean sitting and watching life unfold in the garden we tend, walking in the forest, or spending time with friends near a lakeshore. There are many ways to practice this connection.

Creating as a part of who we are
Harvesting and Creating with what we find around us nourishes us and creates a pathway for connection
Whatever your creative outlet is, gathering from nature and using those materials to inspire and create connects us more deeply with the world unfolding around us.

Embracing Wholeness
When we come into relationship with the Earth begin our tending of the Future, we also heal ourselves.
We have inherited many unhelpful beliefs and patterns from previous generations. When we move towards a simpler life that embraces the Earth, we are also embracing our own wholeness. That heals those patterns and beliefs that harm us and might harm future generations.